Passengers expect honesty about the causes of disruption

In a previous article, I commented on my journey home from Twickenham on Tuesday 19 June after attending a concert by the Rolling Stones. On the day intending passengers were turned away from Twickenham station and advised that the station was closed due to trespass on the line in the station area and was unlikely to reopen that night.

However, I recently read in a magazine that the decision was taken to close the station because due to earlier train failures at Clapham Junction and Vauxhall trains and crews were out of position and very few services were running therefore there was insufficient capacity to handle the crowds expected at Twickenham station after the concert.

These two explanations are not consistent. Passengers expect honesty about the causes of disruption.

Are Advance tickets an advance?

Since I retired and no longer possess an annual season ticket to London, when planning my days out to obtain the cheapest fare I usually need to buy Advance Purchase Single tickets from Bat & Ball to my destination rather than from London, and the same for my return journey. Many of these tickets, where Southeastern services are used, show that they are restricted to specific Southeastern services. On three occasions so far using the specified Southeastern services have resulted in me just making the departure of the train out of London to my ultimate destination and frequently sent me on not the most convenient route to London; via Otford and Victoria rather than Sevenoaks and London Bridge. On the return journey there has been a long wait for a train from London back home due to an excessive period being allowed between arrival in London and the advised departure time for the Southeastern train back towards Sevenoaks. Continue reading

Senior Railcard Moments August 2018

Credit: CAMRA

Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard!

Delay Repay Claims; total 1 January 2018 to 31 August 2018 inclusive = £65.00
(Southeastern £33.00, Thameslink £19.60, South West Railway £12.40, two claims outstanding)

This month’s delays: total 84 minutes, Southeastern 74, Thameslink 10. Continue reading

SRTA responds to Sevenoaks Local Plan

The Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association has responded to the consultation on the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.

“The lack of any reference in Chapter 4 – ‘Well Connected Communities” of the Local Plan to the constraints and challenges of adequate rail services is alarming. It suggests a lack of ambition for what needs to be achieved. There is no mechanism identified through which rail capacity increases of the size required can be delivered, or who needs to act to achieve and finance them. It will need central government funding, and should, in our view, involve Transport for London in developing shorter distance services


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Caught short at Shoreham?

Why are there announcements made on Thameslink class 700 trains as they approach Shoreham, when heading towards London, advising passengers to move forward from the last coach if they wish to detrain at Shoreham because there is a short platform? The doors of the last coach do not open at Shoreham, but the coach is alongside the platform, and the rear set of doors are not close to the ramp down to ground level!