TfL extend Underground to Dover?

2016_03_26_bbc_teletext-modOn Friday 25 March at 07.50 hours the BBC Teletext service travel pages were showing the following information for Southeastern: –

Replacement bus service running on Southeastern between Dover Priory and Folkestone Central due to damage to the sea wall. Tickets being accepted on London Underground and alternative Southeastern services between Dover Priory and Victoria.

I suggest that this new Underground Line into deepest Kent should be called the “Invicta Line”!

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“Meet The Managers” at Sevenoaks

fat-controller-flickr-rosshawkes-5641021933-cc-by-nc-licensedThere is a “Meet The Managers” event at Sevenoaks station on the evening of this coming Tuesday, 23 February, between 1700 and 1900. We’re told that senior managers from Southeastern and Network Rail will be there to answer your questions and discuss current issues. There’s a lot to discuss!

It’s important that these managers hear about issues directly from Sevenoaks passengers. So please spare a few minutes to give them your views! – and please let us know what they say!!

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