Thameslink launch consultation on 2018 timetable

geograph-1888302-by-pam-frayThameslink have launched a consultation on their 2018 timetable, including the Bat & Ball service and the new service to Maidstone East. It’s open for 12 weeks until 8 December.

An initial read shows that Sevenoaks area services are largely as expected, but with some disappointments:

  • only hourly trains London Bridge to Maidstone East in the evenings.
  • non-peak Darenth Valley trains will not go beyond Blackfriars.

We’ll be studying the document carefully and responding fully. 

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The Maidstone East line is treated as the poor relation!

borough-green-overview-geograph-3827560,jpgKaren Harding, our Borough Green correspondent, reports on the current state of the Maidstone East line services.

The general consensus amongst people I speak to, is that the Maidstone East line is treated as the poor relation. Since 2010 I have noticed a marked increase in the number of people travelling, both during the week and at weekends, particularly in the last couple of years.  There needs to be increased capacity and frequency, particularly to/from Blackfriars in peak hours; this would avoid the need for people to travel to Sevenoaks for more frequent services.

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