“The idea of part time season tickets will be great for Sevenoaks.”
Southeastern Railways have asked the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association and their other stakeholders what improvements we would like to see in the “Direct Award” franchise period (November 2014 to June 2018). The Committee will be discussing this on 10 September, and responses have to be made by 4 October. We would welcome suggestions and priorities from our members. Continue reading
The Thameslink Programme website has been updated today with some details of the train service alterations during the rebuilding of London Bridge. Here are the key points affecting travellers from Sevenoaks: Continue reading
“What appears to be missing is a concerted programme to improve services and reduce costs”
The Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Wednesday 9 October at 8pm in Christ Church Hall, Littlecourt Road, Sevenoaks TN13 2JG. The Agenda and Papers are here All welcome!
“Fares have gone up by 90% in a decade – twice the rate of inflation. This has given Kent commuters some of the most expensive fares in the UK, thanks to a fare formula which discriminates uniquely against us.”