SRTA writes to Kent Council on London Mayor’s Proposal

Dear Cllr Brazier

We write on behalf of Sevenoaks Rail Travel Association. The Sevenoaks  Chronicle says that KCC is employing consultants to assess the proposal by the Mayor of London for TfL to take responsibility for metro rail services to Dunton Green and Dartford from the Department for Transport. I understand you are looking for answers in a few weeks, although this proposal has been known to us for over a year. We have had a series of discussions with TfL and others about it, and will be happy to pass the results to the consultants.

Although initially sceptical, SRTA is now convinced that the Mayor’s proposal makes sense, not just for Sevenoaks and Dartford but for the whole of Kent and South East London. Continue reading

Passenger Charter Performance

The Passengers’ Charter establishes two performance standards based on the following criteria:

  • Punctuality – the percentage of peak hour trains arriving within 5 minutes of their advertised arrival time (‘Peak’ times are arrivals in London between 7.00 am and 9.59 am, and departures form London between 4.00 pm and 6.59 pm.)
  • Reliability – the percentage of the advertised train service actually operated.

Separate targets and thresholds have been established for Mainline and Metro services. Continue reading

Fare Increase 2012

This year’s increase in the cost of a standard class annual season ticket to London was 5.8%, slightly below the average permitted under the ‘RPI + 1 percentage point’ formula which applies following the concession announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. Last year the increase was 7 percentage points higher than the inflation rate! Continue reading