Keith’s Travel Diary October 2015

october-mist-1-flickr-btf5-10104646693-cc-by-nc-licensedA typical month: on most days the 7.23 to Cannon Street was too full with no seats available at Sevenoaks so therefore the 07.28 was my chosen train. This month’s total delays: total 187 minutes.

Delay Repay Claims; total 1 January 2015 to 31 October 2015 inclusive = £49.46 (Thameslink =£22.87, Southeastern = £26.59). One claim outstanding.

Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via Sevenoaks. Each month he gives his personal experiences and views.

Week of 5 October 2015

Total lateness 39 minutes: Southeastern 9, Thameslink 30.

  • Monday 5 October – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball arrived at Sevenoaks too late to connect with the 07.23 to Cannon Street. The leading unit on the 07.28 was low density stock this morning, luckily I managed to get a seat but many were standing on departure. The return journey on the 17.24 was very slow through South London.
  • Tuesday 6 October – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was late again and arrived at Sevenoaks just in time to connect with a very crowded 07.23 to Cannon Street. The 07.28 was also very crowded with only a few unusable middle of three seats empty. I had to stand this morning. This evening on the 17.24 from Cannon Street the first class was declassified with the exception of that in coaches four and five.
  • Wednesday 7 October – I just managed to obtain a usable middle of three seat today on the 07.28 to Cannon Street.
  • Thursday 8 October – I travelled from Bat & Ball direct to Bedford today nothing to report about the outward journey, but five minutes delay on the return.
  • Friday 9 October – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was five minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks today. The 07.28 to Cannon Street was busy but I managed to get a seat. There were a few middle of three seats unoccupied on departure. The return journey on the 17.24 was very slow through South London.

Week of 12 October 2015

Total lateness 72 minutes: Southeastern 42, Thameslink 30

  • first-class-seating-1-flickr-danny0001-8208749705-cc-by-nc-ndMonday 12 October – The 07.28 was very busy this morning, just got a seat. The station announcements at Cannon Street advised passengers that the first class was declassified on the 17.24 this evening with the exception of coaches four and five. On the train an announcement informed passengers that there was first class accommodation throughout the train for first class ticket holders only. Why is there no consistency in announcements!
  • Wednesday 14 October – Speed restrictions in Sevenoaks Tunnel were causing delays and cancellations this morning. Both the 07.32 and 07.43 to Charing Cross were cancelled. The 07.28 to Cannon Street was crowded, it arrived seven minutes late at Sevenoaks and was six minutes late in to Cannon Street. I travelled home on the 15.33 from Cannon Street today. The train was delayed on its inward journey to Cannon Street due to “earlier problems”!
  • Thursday 15 October – There were problems with services from Sevenoaks to London this morning, I did not hear the reason. Both the 07.23 and 07.28 were late arriving at Sevenoaks, the 07.28 did not depart until 07.35. Surprisingly there were seats available on both services when they departed Sevenoaks.
  • Friday 16 October – The 07.10 from was very late this morning and arrived at Sevenoaks too late to connect with the 07.23 departure. The 07.28 was delayed at London Bridge due to Cannon Street loosing the use of two platforms because of a failed train. Services were delayed in the evening due to problems in the New Cross area. The 17.45 from Cannon Street failed to connect with the 18.18 departure from Sevenoaks to Bat & Ball.

Week of 19 October 2015

Total lateness 36 minutes: Southeastern 16, Thameslink 20

  • 2015_10_24_new_screen_3Monday 19 October – Trains were very crowded this morning, I had to stand on the 07.28. The 18.06 from Cannon Street was very busy tonight with many standing. On arrival back at Bat & Ball this evening I noticed that a new information screen had been installed at the station. This one is at the entrance to the station and shows train departures to both Sevenoaks and London and beyond.
  • Tuesday 20 October – The 07.28 was very crowded this morning, I only just managed to get a seat.
  • Thursday 22 October – The 07.28 this morning due in to Cannon Street at 08.01 arrived at the end of platform seven at 08.00 but the approach to the buffer stops was so slow the train ended up stopping and releasing the doors at 08.02. Two minutes to travel the length of the platform; finally arriving one minute late!
  • Friday 23 October – Both the 07.23 and 07.28 were unusually both lightly loaded, seats available on both trains on departure from Sevenoaks

Week of 26 October

Total lateness 40 minutes: Southeastern 20, Thameslink 20

  • Monday 26 October – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was very late today and arrived at Sevenoaks at the same time as the 07.23 to Cannon Street. I just made platform one in time to see a very crowded 07.23 depart. The leading unit on the 07.28 this morning was low density stock, I got a seat many did not. Similarly the 17.24 had one unit of low density stock in its formation; more people than normal were standing.
  • Tuesday 27 October – Both the 07.23 and 07.28 were crowded this morning only a few middle of three seats available. I managed to find one that I could fit in. On departure there were a few unusable middle of three seats unoccupied but many were standing. Again the 17.24 had one unit of low density stock in its formation a lot of people were standing. After a very slow journey through South London the train just arrived in time to connect with the 18.00 departure to Bat & Ball.
  • Wednesday 28 October – Very heavy rain this morning and for the second time this week the 07.10 from Bat & Ball was very late and arrived at Sevenoaks at the same time as the 07.23 to Cannon Street. I just made platform one in time to see that the 7.23 was very crowded as it departed. The leading unit on the 07.28 this morning was again low density stock, I got a seat but many where standing on departure. The 17.24 from Cannon Street was not booted up by the driver until 17.18. The doors were not released until 17.20. Whilst waiting on the platform at 17.16 an announcement over the station PA system advised passengers that the first class was declassified on the 17.14 departure to Ramsgate. I assume that they meant the 17.24! A slow journey home arriving nine minutes late accordingly missing the connection to Bat & Ball.
  • Thursday 29 October – I travelled to Merstham from Bat & Ball today via Sevenoaks and London Bridge. Minor delays in both directions but connections were achieved.

2015_10_04_new_screen_2Bat & Ball Information screen

I mentioned last month and at the Annual General Meeting that a second information screen had appeared at Bat & Ball Station on platform one, the one for trains to London and beyond. This is satisfactorily but unfortunately it only has a display on one side of the unit. This faced the London end of the platform. However the majority of passengers wait at the Sevenoaks end of the platform where the covered waiting area is, and so they could not see the travel information!

I suggested that this information screen should be replaced with a double sided display. Unfortunately this idea has not been adopted but the screen has now been turned round 180 degrees so that it faces where most passengers wait for the next train.

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