British Transport Police take action on Sevenoaks station bike thefts

btplogoMark Wells, the British Transport Police Sergeant covering our area, met the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association recently on bike security and other transport policing issues. He writes:-

Last week,  I enjoyed meeting so many cycling commuters from Sevenoaks: everyone made us welcome and we had time to discuss the station security and our work in the BTP keeping the railways safe and secure.

My team of Police Officers have been busy recently at Sevenoaks working to reduce the incidents of cycle theft. I wanted you to know we take this crime seriously and investigate every report; viewing the CCTV that is focussed on the cycle racks and the car parks. We circulate the images of any suspect to our colleagues in Kent and Metropolitan area, who very often quickly identify the person. We then make an arrest as soon as possible to recover the stolen property.

I am pleased to report, so far this year only 3 cycles have been stolen. But this is three too many: with this in mind, my colleagues last week distributed a number of secure D locks to regular users of the railway and cycle stamped 23 bikes, entering them on the bike register which records details if they are stolen, which aids recovery.

I am committed to ensuring Sevenoaks station has daily police patrols and together with Kent Police, we maintain a regular presence at the station. I am planning to deploy our officers on our festive operation to prevent and catch criminals on the approach to Christmas, this year it’s called Operation Snowball; I am pleased to report Sevenoaks will be included in this operation.

Incidentally, you can now text 61016 from any mobile which goes directly to our control room in London. You can report rowdy or suspicious behaviour, people drunk on the train, people making you feel uncomfortable. The control room will then direct the nearest patrol to meet your train and communicate your concerns to the conductor. Should you wish to report a crime on the railway please call 0800 40 50 40.  The new Sevenoaks station manager Dan Morrison and his staff also work hard to assist you and make your journey as comfortable as possible.

I hope to keep you informed of our police activities on a regular basis; please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help in anyway to make your journey safer and more enjoyable. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


British Transport Police take action on Sevenoaks station bike thefts — 2 Comments

  1. Hi,

    We recently moved to Sevenoaks. I really would like to know what numbers are like of bike thefts in 2016. Would like to bike to work, but my bike is quite expensive as it’s an electric bike.

    Many thanks,


  2. @kim We’ll make some enquiries and get back to you. Unless your bicycle is foldable you cannot take it on the trains during the peak hours.

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