On Monday 9 February Southeastern held their second “Tweet The Manager” online event from 1400 to 1600. There were over 400 messages, including 139 from Southeastern itself. We have organised the Tweets into conversations, and grouped them by topics on separate pages as follows:
- Timetable issues
- Overcrowding issues
- How feedback is being collected, and what is being done with it
- Alternative routes and ticket acceptance issues
- Compensation and Delay-Repay
- Trains issues
- Stations issues
- Fares issues
- Improving communications about London Bridge and passenger information generally
- Weekend Engineering Work
- The recent Passenger Satisfaction Survey
There was also some discussion of the Tweet The Manager format itself and how it could be improved.
Finally, like many disrupted railway journeys, there were some light-hearted asides.
If anyone needs to do further analysis, the curated database can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet (XLS) here.