Rail passengers often find that a bit of humour helps. The Tweet The Manager had some of that too.
@Se_Railway #ttmse Who's the fella with the ponytail?
— Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) February 9, 2015
@ACAWheaton That "fella" is actually a girl and is our very own ^AR #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Easy mistake to make….. #TTMSE @Se_Raleway
— Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Where can I get one of those cool stripy jumpers? #TTMSE
— Julie Rainford (@JuRainford) February 9, 2015
@JuRainford I've asked ^AC who says she has "borrowed" it from her daughter! #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
I did notice you were reluctant to comment on whether you would eat tripe? @Se_Railway #TTMSE
— Raffles (@aslargy) February 9, 2015
@aslargy I do eat it personally: Tripe a la monde in France is lovely 😉 #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015