During the Tweet the Manager on 9 February there were a number of questions and conversation about compensation arrangements
@Se_Railway is it acceptable that Delay Repay on Southeastern is less flexible than your Southern franchise? #TTMSE http://t.co/cv5s6A9oQB
— Dartford Rail TA (@DartfordRailTA) February 9, 2015
@DartfordRailTA We are currently reviewing the way we process compensation for our passengers. ^MU #TTMSE — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@DartfordRailTA We are currently reviewing all our Delay Repay processes. ^AW #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @HelenNewman however it does on the other Govia franchise, Southern http://t.co/cv5s6A9oQB #TTMSE — Dartford Rail TA (@DartfordRailTA) February 9, 2015
@Se_Raleway @Se_Railway @mpellatt another TOC paid us delay repay because of excessive queues (20m+) made us miss train. #TTMSE
— Penalty Fare Support (@penaltyfare) February 9, 2015
@penaltyfare @Se_Railway @mpellatt Different compensation arrangements are in place with differing Operators dependent on Franchise — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE How much do you make from being compensated for 5 min delay but only refunding passengers over 30min delay @Se_Raleway — Andy SD (@sirzee) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE Why did you refuse delay repay over 28 days at Xmas and new year @Se_Raleway
— Andy SD (@sirzee) February 9, 2015
@sirzee These are 2 very different schemes, one takes into account the costs we incur and the other is the impact on passengers ^MU #TTMSE — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Eh? If a train is 10 mind late it inconveniences customers but what does it cost you? Shouldn’t you pass on the money? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA If the delay is our fault, then we are penalised for this #TTMSE — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway But if it’s @NetworkRail‘s fault then they pay you, even for less than 30 minutes. Why not pass that on to customers? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
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@Se_Railway When a train is late & u run it thro. some of the stations on its route as cancelled, how are those trains recorded? #TTMSE — stuartfreeman (@stuartfreeman) February 9, 2015
@stuartfreeman They are recorded as failures / cancellations for the purposes of the Public Performance Measure (PPM) #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@stuartfreeman It is recorded as a PPM failure and is audited annually by the University of Sheffield #TTMSE — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway even if they arrived at their destination on time? #TTMSE
— stuartfreeman (@stuartfreeman) February 9, 2015
@stuartfreeman Yes, even if they arrive on time – they are counted as failures for monitoring purposes. #TTMSE — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@stuartfreeman Yes it is a failure #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@stuartfreeman Skipping stations is a failure, but it may turn return service from a potential failure into a non-failure @se_railway #TTMSE — Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway 30 mins is now too easy a target. I challenge you to allow delay repay after 20 mins delay #TTMSE
— Graham W (@thegsez) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway delay repay form has no “other” option, eg overcrowding preventing boarding – a v regular occurrence. Pls can you amend #ttmse — Tim Aldred (@timaldredpolicy) February 9, 2015
@timaldredpolicy Unfortunately Delay Repay doesn’t apply in these circumstances #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway That is hard to accept. It has often meant a delay of well over 30 minutes. Usually it is the knock on of cancellations #ttmse — Tim Aldred (@timaldredpolicy) February 9, 2015