There were conversations about improving communications about London Bridge and passenger information more generally during the Tweet The Manager on 9 February:
@Se_Railway ok, thank you – Q2) can there be a daily/weekly blog explaining what improvements etc are being done at LDN Bridge? #TTMSE
— Adam Martin-Lawrence (@aml133) February 9, 2015
@aml133 Good idea, we’ll pass this on to the @TLProgramme team and @networkrail to consider ^MU ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway fab – Q3) Southern, GTR and Network rail released a joint timetable of improvements last week, will u be doing the same? #TTMSE
— Adam Martin-Lawrence (@aml133) February 9, 2015
@aml133 yes we will be, will be on the website before the end of March. ^DT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
Due to how busy the stations are with the changes, what provisions have you put in place to assist disabled passengers? @Se_Railway #TTMSE
— Clairabella (@cocoa4) February 9, 2015
@cocoa4 For passengers that need assisted travel/advice, please contact the assisted travel helpline: 0800 783 4524 or 01732 770099
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@cocoa4 We continue to look after passengers who require assisted travel. For any advice or alternative arrangements you can 1
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@cocoa4 contact our assisted travel team here; ^LL #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@paulmalyon @SE_Raleway I agree that we need to do better in this area, we’ve recently brought Twitter in-house 24/7 and are looking at 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@paulmalyon @SE_Raleway 2/2 other ways we can improve our information to you. Our alerting service will also be changing soon. #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway #TTMSE I fully understand that issues arise, esp at the moment with LBG but your communcation even to your staff during these 1
— RussW (@RussW2468) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway #TTMSE 2 incidents is extremely poor, your staff cant communicate with us if you dont communicate with them, its woeful
— RussW (@RussW2468) February 9, 2015
@RussW2468 Can you be more specific, our staff have access to many tools / sources of information? ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE @Se_Railway Cld you put platform info up earlier at Cannon St? Usually announced 2-3 mins before depart causing crowding and crushing
— Laura Reynolds (@scribbling_lau) February 9, 2015
@scribbling_lau Thanks for this, there are some times when this isn’t possible, but we will feed this back to the local team ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway Will you introduce email alerts about planned engineering works, as suggested by @foxinabox1988 #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA We are looking at the way we communicate via email about planned work. We did send emails before the London Bridge work 1
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA and we will make you aware of any changes ^LL #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Thanks. Journeycheck seems to alert just on unplanned work and disruptions, not planned weekend work. Or is that wrong? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA We are looking at changing our alerting service in the next month or so ^AT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway How many of the promised 1500 tablets have now been issued please? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA The tablet roll out is on target to be completed by Summer this year ^AC #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway So how many have been rolled out so far please, and what difference are they making? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA The set of pilot users are due to start in March, so as yet none have been rolled out ^AC #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Thanks. #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE @Se_Railway when ringing SET, why is the option to speak to someone always the last option?? should be 1st.
— tim (@bluepepperaudio) February 9, 2015