All clear!
At 2353 Southeastern finally announced that – after the best part of 7 hours – it was all over.
safety chks: trains through New X & London Bdg now running ok #southeastern — Southeastern (@Se_Railway) November 18, 2014
However the important thing is that lessons are learned from this incident, and others. Too often disruption is seen as an exceptional event, which will never happen again. However while the root cause of the technical problem may differ, every case of serious disruption requires good crisis management and excellence in communication and information to passengers. The London Bridge rebuilding will test this further. Tuesday 18 November shows that Southeastern have more work to do.
Wow. Just, wow. Excellent article. I trust David Statham has circulated this to all staff to assist in their learning….
15 minutes ago our lights went out, along with all neighbours. We have had two texts from the power company telling us what the problem is and when it will be fixed.
Latest info is below. Why can’t SER do that?
Update at 23:35 – Our engineers are on their way. We believe the issue to be due to an underground cable fault. We can usually fix a power cut within 2 hours, so we hope to have you back on by 01:00. We’re often able to re-route power remotely around problems of this nature so you may be back on sooner, or your power may go on and off. We’ll better understand the cause and update you when engineers are on site investigating.