Storm Disruption 28 October: tell us about it, please!

Many thanks to those members who keep us updated with details of their attempts to travel during or after the storm yesterday.  Trains seem to be largely back to normal today after the disruption.

We would still be very interested to hear:

  • further “travellers’ tales” from yesterday’s disruption – both about the train service and about the information Southeastern provided about it.
  • success or otherwise in claiming compensation under the “Delay Repay” arrangements.
  • how Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association’s communications worked for you: we used Twitter, and on this website we posted a warning and two main updates at 0800 and 1030

You can post comments below, or email secretary [at] srta [dot] org [dot] uk


Storm Disruption 28 October: tell us about it, please! — 2 Comments

  1. The trains are hardly back to normal! I commute up to London from Eynsford each day and I’ve been 20 minutes late or more on every jouney since Monday.

    On a different point – With regards to “Delay Repay” payments, I feel that the levels of compensation being offered are derisory. The method of calculation used is at best convoluted, and possibly unfair/discriminatory. It works against season ticket holders in favour of “one off” travellers. Why not simplify the payments and give everyone the full daily single fare for the particular journey. After all, everyone is affected to the same extent when trains are delayed.

  2. On Monday 28th October I was amazed that desptite the fact the lines were clear only one train an hour was running. We were told as usual that this was network rails fault. Surely if the track was clear, even if there were speed restrictions they could run more than one train an hour. I am sick and tired of getting the usual bland brush off answers from Southeastern. They never actaully listen to my complaints and never address any of the issues raised. This is a monopoly with a licence to fleece passengers with no accountability. In no other walk of life would we put up with this. Even our MP has been very limp on our behalf, describing a cap of 6% on next years season tickets as a success! How long are we going to sit back and let them suck more and more money out of us for know perceivable improvements. My ticket has gone up by at least 30% over the last 5 years with no improvement to the service from Sevenoaks whatsoever

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