Roundup at 0800 Monday:
- “Many routes will not be running until after 0900”
- Trees on the line at Orpington and Sevenoaks
- No specific news about the Otford line
- HS1 services starting at 0743
- 401 bus running normally
If you have any news about travel services to share, please email secretary [at] srta [dot] org [dot] uk or post a comment below
Update 0845
The Southeastern Railway website has gone into “overload” mode with only one emergency page
Update 0907
The Southeastern Railway website is periodically going in and out of “overload” mode
Update 0920
Unconfirmed report that there will be no trains from Tunbridge Wells until 1130
Sources: SER website, BBC, Go-Coach
PS: If you are a Sevenoaks area rail traveller and find this website useful please consider supporting our work by joining the Association!