The SRTA has lodged its objections to the proposed double decking of the Bradbourne Park Road car park.
As we have already reported, there are better solutions if Sevenoaks District Council works with Network Rail and Southeastern on alternative provision of spaces in the Morewood Close car park.
In addition Sevenoaks District Council’s proposals seem contrary to many of the Council’s own Strategy for Transport.
The full text of our objections are as follows:
Sevenoaks District Council
Development Services Department,
P.O. BOX 183,
Argyle Road,
The Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association represents commuters and other rail travellers from the Sevenoaks area. We lobby railways management, regulators and planners, and are often asked for comment and contributions by local newspapers and broadcast media. These efforts have secured longer and more frequent trains, as well as better facilities at local stations. Re-established in 2001 we have nearly 200 members and supporters and an award-winning website.
Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association objects to the proposed decking of the Bradbourne Park Road car park.
By way of context, it is important to understand that Sevenoaks has three, overlapping, morning ‘rush hours’:
– the commuter traffic to the station which mainly lasts from 6.45 to 9.00 am
– the schools such hour – within, into and and out of Sevenoaks – which lasts from 7.30 to 8.45am
– commuting into Sevenoaks which lasts mainly from 7.30 to 9.00 am
Therefore there are several issues of particular concern to us.
First, the decking of the car park, even after allowing for the loss of other car parking spaces, will generate more traffic. If more commuter traffic has to access the Bradbourne Park Road site then additional congestion is likely to occur at the junctions of Mount Harry Road with Bradbourne Park Road and with London Road. At times during the morning peak the southbound and northbound traffic at the London Road junction can already tail back, often in the case of the southbound traffic to the Morewood Close turn or even further towards Riverhead. The increase in congestion would be contrary to the agreed Sevenoaks District Strategy for Transport 2010-25 aim 2 (“reduce congestion” – see para 6.2) [1] and objective 4 (“Divert traffic away from sensitive areas”).
Second, in the school traffic period there would be a conflict with school traffic accessing the schools in Bradbourne Park Road in the later part pf the rush hour.
Third, all these traffic flows would have further impact on the station and Mount Harry Road junctions, and makes pedestrian, cycle and bus access to the station slower, more difficult and (in the case of cyclists and pedestrians) more dangerous. The Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association has often promoted alternative modes for commuters to reach the railway station and the effect of the proposed development would be to be create dis-incentives to the use of alternatives to private cars – as well as increasing the risk of death or injury to those continuing to use alternatives. This would be contrary to Sevenoaks District Strategy for Transport 2010-25 aim 3 (“Improves safety” – see para 6.2) and objective 7 (“Improve road safety for all users”). Making non-car access to the station less attractive would also be contrary to the SDST Improving Accessibility Priority Initiative 10.0 of “to promote alternative forms of transport to access stations”.
Fourth, the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association seeks to promote environmental friendly modes of travel – such as trains themselves. The increased congestion on London Road and on Bradbourne Park Road would have a negative effect on the already high levels of car-produced pollution in these areas. This would be contrary to Sevenoaks District Strategy for Transport 2010-25 aim 4 (“Reduces the impact of transport on the natural and built environment” – see para 6.2) and objective 6 (“Reduce the effects of traffic and transport on air quality”).
Finally there is no evidence that Sevenoaks District Council have considered alternative options for providing car parking to replace that lost by the proposed hotel development. We consider that, in partnership with Network Rail and Southeastern, there is scope for the more limited and less obtrusive option of decking part of the main station car park at Morewood Close. With improvements to the London Road/Morewood Close junction, this would provide a much safer solution and would mean that less southbound rail-traveller motor traffic would proceed beyond Morewood Close to the congested section over the railway bridge and to the Bradbourne Park Road junction, having a net improvement not only on congestion but also on the safety of cyclists and others on the narrow section of road between these two points. It is noted that in the Sevenoaks District Strategy for Transport (at page 50) the Sevenoaks District Council committed to “Working with South-eastern to develop rail station travel plans to … provide sufficient off-street parking at stations … and to promote alternative forms of transport to access stations”. It appears that Sevenoaks District Council have not applied its own policy of co-operation with others to develop the most cost-effective, safest and most environmentally friendly option as required by its own policies. Our own enquiries with Network Rail and Southeastern have shown a great willingness by the rail companies to engage positively and productively to find the best solution for Sevenoaks, and it is regrettable that there is no evidence that Sevenoaks District Council have applied their own policy in this regard.
For all the above reasons the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association requests the rejection of the planning application.
Yours Sincerely
Andrew Stott
Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association
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