We have had a notification from Southeastern Railway that an amended timetable may be in effect between 0930 and 1630 on Friday 30 October. Details are not yet available on how the Sevenoaks area could be affected, so you are advised to check before travelling and allow longer for your journey.
It is because Network Rail have said that operating conditions on Friday 30 October are predicted to be “particularly challenging”.
Apparently normal delay-repay arrangements will apply.
Interestingly this alert was on the South Eastern website, but when I looked again it has disappeared. There are no warnings either on the National Rail website. Looking at the weather forecast for Borough Green/Sevenoaks tomorrow it doesn’t appear to show anything too awful apart from it being a bit blustery. Who knows what will happen – the mindset of National Rail and South Eastern are a mystery to us all…..!
We are a bit mystified too. As you say, there are no weather warnings, the middle of the day is forecast to have sunny intervals and the wind speed is forecast to be below 20 mph.
However there is heavy rain forecast for the early hours. It might be that Network Rail fear that this will bring more leaves onto the line, the traditional seasonal problem.