We conducted an internet survey of our members and supporters to obtain feedback on Southeastern’s new timetable from 15 to 22 February. We have had over 100 responses. Here are the detailed results so far.
Has your usual train become more or less crowded now?
Sometimes too crowded to board 14.0%
Almost always have to stand 26.2%
Harder to find a seat 31.1%
No real difference 20.1%
Easier to find a seat 8.5%
Has your usual train had more or less capacity than before
More coaches and/or higher density coaches 6.1%
About the same 70.7%
Fewer coaches and/or lower density coaches 23.2%
Have you personally felt at risk or threatened because of overcrowding at stations or trains?
Never 52.4%
Occasionally 32.9%
Frequently 14.6%
Have you personally seen arguments, scuffles or other tensions among passengers due to overcrowding
Never 34.1%
Frequently 22.0%
Occasionally 43.9%
Have you changed your usual route since 12 January
No 64.0%
Yes 0.6%
Used to use LBG sometimes, now avoid 1.2%
Often walk back to London Bridge from Wloo East 1.2%
Yes – pay extra to use TFL services 1.2%
Yes – use my existing Travelcard for alternative route 3.3%
I have a gold card so can be flexible with my routes if needs be 0.6%
I have to leave half an hour earlier now 0.6%
Yes – rail to a different station or change on route 22.8%
Yes – use the ticket acceptance arrangements 4.5%
Would wider ticket acceptance change your route or time of travel?
No 50.0%
Unlikely 7.3%
Possibly 24.4%
Probably 11.0%
Definitely 7.3%
How good a job do you think Southeastern are doing?
Excellent job 1.2%
Good job given the constraints of London Bridge rebuilding 20.7%
Poor job even allowing for the constraints of London Bridge rebuilding 48.8%
Awful job 29.3%
Do you agree that Southeastern shown the Fresh Start promised by the Government on the award of the franchise in September 2014?
Strongly Agree 2.5%
Agree 2.5%
Neither agree nor disagree 19.8%
Disagree 21.0%
Strongly Disagree 54.3%
Do you believe that Southeastern will listen and act on feedback from customers
Strongly believe they will 2.4%
Believe they will 2.4%
Neither doubt nor believe they will 13.4%
Doubt they will 37.8%
Strongly doubt they will 43.9%
Do you agree passenger information AT STATIONS has improved
Strongly Agree 1.2%
Agree 12.2%
Neither agree nor disagree 31.7%
Disagree 31.7%
Strongly Disagree 23.2%
Do you agree passenger information ON TRAINS has improved
Strongly Agree 1.2%
Agree 9.6%
Neither agree nor disagree 32.5%
Disagree 33.7%
Strongly Disagree 22.9%
Do you agree passenger information ONLINE has improved
Strongly Agree 2.5%
Agree 13.6%
Neither agree nor disagree 43.2%
Disagree 23.5%
Strongly Disagree 17.3%
Has you changed your usual journey time since 12 January
Travel much earlier 7.9%
Travel a bit earlier 25.0%
Travel about the same time 54.3%
Travel a bit later 12.2%
Travel much later 0.6%