There was more than expected discussion of fares, including questions about tickets more suitable for part-time commuters and for students.
@Se_Railway why does it cost 32.90 per week from welling and 59.20 from dartford 5 miles further and is an awful service 50 mins + !! #TTMSE
— David Green (@Ashgreeno69) February 9, 2015
@Ashgreeno69 These stations are in different zones, and Dartford has a higher frequency train service which costs more ^DT
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @DartfordRailTA higher frequency you joke right !!! More cancellations slower trains its quicker to drive to welling #TTMSE
— David Green (@Ashgreeno69) February 9, 2015
@Ashgreeno69 only from Charing Cross you can’t #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Thanks for doing #TTMSE. Now Southern & TfL both offer schemes to help part time commuters, what is SE planning to do? And when?
— Chipstead Chap (@ChipsteadChap) February 9, 2015
@se_railway why can’t you offer incentive/help to students to take the train to school? £12 min fare before 10am – £60 a week #TTMSE
— George (@GeorgePatrickH) February 9, 2015
@GeorgePatrickH We are currently looking at a range of marketing incentives to encourage travel outside of the peak. We will take this 1
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@GeorgePatrickH feedback on board. Thanks for your tweet today ^AW #TTMSE 2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway unfortunately, I start school at 9am, like most people. Do you REALLY think marketing will help?! No fare minimum would #TTMSE
— George (@GeorgePatrickH) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @HeySe_Railway you have no OBLIGATION to raise them though? Especially if the service we’re getting hasn’t improved? #TTMSE
— George Hales (KIASS) (@GeorgeYHC) February 9, 2015
@GeorgeYHC It’s essential to fund the investment we agreed to make as part of the franchise agreement. ^MU #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway when are you bringing in flexible tickets for back to work parents who only want to commute 2-3 days a week? #TTMSE
— Gravesend Voice (@gravesendvoice) February 9, 2015
@gravesendvoice We are currently in discussion with the Department for Transport on this ^MU #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway OK – what’s the ETA on a decision? I’m surprised it hasn’t been looked at before now. #TTMSE
— Gravesend Voice (@gravesendvoice) February 9, 2015
@gravesendvoice It has been looked at before now and was one of our proposals for the new franchise,were keen to introduce this and will 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@gravesendvoice 2/2 provide more information once it’s available. #TTMSE ^MU
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Any plan to reduce fairs in light of long term LB disruption, over crowding and results of customer satisfaction survey? #TTMSE
— HeySe_Railway (@HeySe_Railway) February 9, 2015
@HeySe_Railway Fare increases are determined by the Government #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway #TTMSE Any plans to introduce smart ticketing/mobile ticketing for mainline commuters? Really would make life so much easier.
— Joshua Coupe (@joshuacoupe_) February 9, 2015
@joshuacoupe_ We are currently reviewing our retailing strategies, of which smart ticketing is a part of and looking to trial this soon
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE @Se_Railway I was told twice that Dartford was going to become an Oyster zone. Station was updated in 2014. No oyster touch-in. Why?
— Mimi Findlay (@Mimlish) February 9, 2015
@Mimlish Taken a while to reach agreement between DFL and DFT will be happening 2016 #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @DartfordRailTA #TTMSE so you admit you are not reaching your agreed service levels but we are still expected to pay for this?
— CazzaG74 (@CarolineTiley1) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway What are you doing to make IPFAS truly independent? Also why are you allowing your REO to refuse to show ID on demand? #TTMSE
— Penalty Fare Support (@penaltyfare) February 9, 2015
@penaltyfare This is subject to consultation with the Department for Transport at the moment
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway and the second question about your REOs? #TTMSE
— Penalty Fare Support (@penaltyfare) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @Se_Raleway noticed how #TTMSE are deadly silent on the second question? Maybe stumbled on something they dont want to admit?
— Penalty Fare Support (@penaltyfare) February 9, 2015
@penaltyfare Re the REO question, can you provide us with specific examples so we can investigate fully please #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway When defending fare increases you cite shrinking Govt subsidy. Excluding this reason, what would be your policy on fares? #TTMSE
— Graham W (@thegsez) February 9, 2015