Unsurprisingly there was a lot of discussion of overcrowding issues:
@Se_Railway @DartfordRailTA shorten the charing x trains its currently business class for those lucky blighters #TTMSE
— David Green (@Ashgreeno69) February 9, 2015
@Ashgreeno69 Charing Cross is still a very popular destination for many of our passengers #TTMSE ^JT
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway but not half as many as the unfortunates in the city do you need a slide rule to figure this out #TTMSE
— David Green (@Ashgreeno69) February 9, 2015
@Ashgreeno69 Cannon Street is already full to capacity so extra trains there is not possible.Charing X trains are still very busy #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway I would like to ask AW from passenger services what strategies they have to ease over crowding on commuter trains? #TTMSE
— Raffles (@aslargy) February 9, 2015
@aslargy All of our trains are in use during peak periods where possible. We review the loading of trains regularly and considering (1)
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@aslargy any changes, we don't have spare rolling stock. We are collecting data and feedback and will update passengers of any changes. ^AW
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE why is ur ratio of stock to annual passenger numbers so poor vs other franchises? @Se_Railway
— Chris Randall (@C_P_Randall) February 9, 2015
@C_P_Randall This page at the Department for Transport website may help answer your question http://t.co/AIJAqzeKUr #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway how compliant are you with the franchise requirement that everyone should have a seat within 20 mins of boarding? #TTMSE
— Dartford Rail TA (@DartfordRailTA) February 9, 2015
@DartfordRailTA We provide as many seats as we are able to #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway so you’re not concerned about pp105-107 of the published (redacted) franchise? #TTMSE
— Dartford Rail TA (@DartfordRailTA) February 9, 2015
@Se_Raleway @Se_Railway @cotton_runt #TTMSE maybe you could ask schools to be more flexible with start times for parents who use train!
— CazzaG74 (@CarolineTiley1) February 9, 2015
@DartfordRailTA We've only got a finite number of carriages, we can't lengthen trains without shortening others ^DT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @DartfordRailTA Why was this agreed in a franchise agreement if you cannot fulfil this then? #ttmse
— Gary Clark (@GaryClark82) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway have the extra platform staff been withdrawn? #TTMSE
— Jeff Driscoll (@drumcodeuk) February 9, 2015
@drumcodeuk Do you mean the agency staff we took on to assist passengers with their journeys? ^AW
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway #TTMSE if the trains are too busy to even get on, do we really just have to suck it up? No delay repay? Do you think that's ok?
— Helen Newman (@HelenNewman) February 9, 2015
@HelenNewman Unfortunately because we run a turn up & go railway, we can't guarantee space on any given train so D Repay doesn't apply. 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@HelenNewman 2/2 however we are reviewing loadings on our trains and will also be publishing soon some further travel advice ^MU #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway why make all the exits on tooley street exit only at peak evening times? Just makes it more of a nuisance to get to p1-3 #TTMSE
— Katherine Talbot (@kat2801) February 9, 2015
@kat2801 With the passenger flows and numbers, this has been implemented for safety reasons. We continue to monitor this closely. ^AC #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway surely if no carriages available to strengthen trains for #londonbridge rebuild then forward planning has failed #TTMSE
— Mike Pellatt (@mpellatt) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway but surely should be guarantee of ability to board in a reasonable time ie not get delayed for 30 mins or more #TTMSE
— Mike Pellatt (@mpellatt) February 9, 2015
@mpellatt We planned to make the best use of the carriages we have available, we can't run every train as 12 coaches. #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway understand where you are today, proper planning would have seen extra carriages available across the network by now. #TTMSE
— Mike Pellatt (@mpellatt) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway do understand these decisions are outside your control but could have refused franchise unless extra trains provided !! #TTMSE
— Mike Pellatt (@mpellatt) February 9, 2015
@Se_Raleway @Se_Railway @mpellatt #TTMSE what exactly are we paying for then. If u can't provide then reduce the costs.
— CazzaG74 (@CarolineTiley1) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway have you thought about putting more trains on to Cannon Street or adding more carriages? Because it is unbearable #TTMSE
— Ollie Gould-Elia (@ogouldelia) February 9, 2015
@ogouldelia Cannon Street is at full capacity during peak periods, so it's physically impossible to run more trains in/out of the station 1
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@ogouldelia Alternative options can be found here; http://t.co/ZTn0mCiqIb ^AW #TTMSE 2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway for what period of time on a journey do you now consider it acceptable to have to stand due to overcrowding #TTMSE
— Piers Cronk (@PiersCronk) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk Our passenger charter states that we aim for passengers not to stand for more than 20 minutes.However, on our busiest trains 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk 2/2 this isn't possible. We run a turn up & go service and can't guarantee space on any particular train #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway your charter is a waste of time if you cannot accept this happens on a regular basis due to the substantial changes #TTMSE
— Piers Cronk (@PiersCronk) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk We run a turn up and go service which means we can't guarantee a seat to everyone or indeed space on a particular train #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @PiersCronk Problem is we can't "turn up and go" we turn up & wait because we can't board. Worse since the TT change #TTMSE
— Cotton Runt (@cotton_runt) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway What level of overcrowding determines when a guard must declassify 1st class? #TTMSE
— Piers Cronk (@PiersCronk) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk Hi Piers, this is something that is down to the discretion of the on board staff. We do have a high number of passengers (1/2)
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk that use the first class areas during peak periods, so we need to accommodate them too (2/2) ^AC #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@plonkymiff First Class is still popular during the AM and PM peak services, we have to balance needs of 1st class customers too.
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway why do guards hide when the trains are over crowded – are they too embarrassed to check tickets #TTMSE
— Piers Cronk (@PiersCronk) February 9, 2015
@PiersCronk If a train is crowded, the Conductor needs to have easy access to the door controls so may not be able to walk through 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway Will you publish capacities and loadings of all trains in the new timetable please? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA We're looking at sharing details of which trains are busiest and where there is space available. ^MU ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Good. With numbers? Timescale please? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA Yes, and we are expecting to have this in place by early March ^MU #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway ^MU Thanks. That's great news. #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@se_railway Why have there been so many trains short of their announced length in the last few weeks? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA Due to damage caused by flooding in the tunnel near Farringdon last month, a number of trains were taken out of service 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA 2/2 for repairs to be completed ^AT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway But you've same number of passengers as before. Why not adjust coach/train allocation so they fit again? #TTMSE @DartfordRailTA
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA Passenger numbers are continually growing, we've already made some adjustments and will look to make more where poss #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway @SevenoaksRailTA Sorry… didn't you just say no 'tweaks' until March? #confused #TTMSE
— Cotton Runt (@cotton_runt) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Have passenger numbers grown since 12 January then? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA Yes, demand is growing all of the time! ^PW #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway Do you have a figure for that please? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA This is averaging about 6% per year, but we don't have detailed analysis at the moment for our network since Jan #TTMSE ^JT
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway How many "particular reports of overcrowding" as a result of London Bridge have you received now please? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA We've received a large amount of feedback about overcrowding over the past month. ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@se_railway How many "passenger taken ill" events have there been since 12 Jan? How does this compare with same period last year? #TTMSE
— Sevenoaks Rail Assn (@SevenoaksRailTA) February 9, 2015
@SevenoaksRailTA I'm afraid we don't have that information to hand at the moment and wouldn't be able to share publicly. ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Ashgreeno69 @DartfordRailTA @Se_Railway #TTMSE my Charing Cross train was shortened & it's even more packed than before. BUY MORE TRAINS
— sjrmfc (@sjrmfc) February 9, 2015
@sjrmfc We are in discussions with the Department for Transport with regard to possible procurement and reallocation of rolling stock #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@sjrmfc Unfortunately all our trains are in use but we are in talks with the DFT regarding procurement of new stock #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway 07:40 Bromley Sth – Blackfriars has been short formation recently, hence overcrowded, hope this is exceptional #ttmse
— Tim Aldred (@timaldredpolicy) February 9, 2015
@timaldredpolicy This train is now scheduled for 8 carriages however a couple of days it has run with less because of unit defects #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Se_Railway #TTMSE pls advise on your attitude to passenger overcrowding & also is there genuine effort by Southeastern to improve service?
— Vivienne Hudson (@Vivstwits) February 9, 2015
@Vivstwits We recognise there's room for improvement and are aware many trains in peak periods are very busy. We are looking at options 1/2
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
@Vivstwits 2/2 ease overcrowding but need to balance impact on passengers on other parts of the network/ ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015
#TTMSE @Se_railways Why did you not purchase additional rolling stock in preparation for the works at London Bridge, you had years to plan
— DAVID WRIGHT (@wrighty30) February 9, 2015
@wrighty30 We are in talks with the Department for Transport regarding procurement or reallocation of rolling stock ^JT #TTMSE
— Southeastern (@Se_Railway) February 9, 2015