In advance of my usual monthly diary, here are my observations on the first week of the new London Bridge rebuilding timetable:
- Most days the 07.23 to Cannon Street has already been very crowded on arrival at Sevenoaks.
- Seeing this, on Monday to Thursday I chose to wait for the 07.28 instead. This train has not been as crowded as I expected. On three out of the four days I found a seat. This is unusual; previously it was almost certain that if I caught this train I would have to stand.
- On Friday I travelled on the 07.23 itself. On arrival at Sevenoaks the fifth coach was very crowded but the fourth coach was about 25% empty, this might have been because there was no first class accommodation. Once we departed Sevenoaks there was an on train announcement apologising that there was no heating in coaches five and six. Accordingly only one heated first class area on the eight coach train.
- On the 07.23 on Friday only three people detrained at New Cross from the front four coaches.
- The 17.24 from Cannon Street has been more crowded than usual. Many people have been standing on departure from London Bridge. The train has run late all week arriving at Sevenoaks just before 18.00 – only just achieving a connection with the 18.00 departure to Bat & Ball on the three occasions I used this service.
- Using the London Underground and Charing Cross services does not offer any real time saving to/from the City.