On Southeastern, compliance with the 0845 law still seems lacking

Nearly three years ago the law changed to prohibit the use of 0845 numbers for customer service lines; and nearly two years ago OFCOM changed its regulations to require a business using 0845 numbers for any other purpose to specify its service charge and warn about access charges wherever it advertises or communicates the phone number.

However recent checks at Sevenoaks and Knockholt have shown continued, multiple, uses of 0845 numbers in breach both of the Consumer Regulations and the OFCOM conditions.

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Southeastern’s Community Panel: how (not) to engage

20160405-community-panelIn October 2015 Southeastern launched a Community Panel and invited customers to join it. It has been used to recruit testers for the Problem Reporting Application, but a principal part of the Panel was an online, members-only, discussion group.

However Southeastern do not appear to have made the resource or cultural commitment to engage with members of the Panel and to draw them into a dialogue to improve their train service. So at the moment the Panel is not serving a useful purpose.

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“Meet The Managers” at Sevenoaks

fat-controller-flickr-rosshawkes-5641021933-cc-by-nc-licensedThere is a “Meet The Managers” event at Sevenoaks station on the evening of this coming Tuesday, 23 February, between 1700 and 1900. We’re told that senior managers from Southeastern and Network Rail will be there to answer your questions and discuss current issues. There’s a lot to discuss!

It’s important that these managers hear about issues directly from Sevenoaks passengers. So please spare a few minutes to give them your views! – and please let us know what they say!!

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