Tweet the Manager 9 February – Improving #TTMSE itself

Naturally there were some discussion about the Tweet The Manager itself, and some suggestions for improvement. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway @SevenoaksRailTA @Se_Raleway @over_ldn And the first #TTMSE transcript? — Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) February 9, 2015 @ACAWheaton What we can provide, quickly, is … Continue reading

Tweet the Manager 9 February – Improving Communications and Information

There were conversations about improving communications about London Bridge and passenger information more generally during the Tweet The Manager on 9 February: ======================================================== @Se_Railway ok, thank you – Q2) can there be a daily/weekly blog explaining what improvements etc are being … Continue reading

Southeastern has lowest level of passenger satisfaction – and that’s before the new timetable!

We’ve done an initial analysis on this morning’s publication by Passenger Focus, the independent watch-dog, of its Annual Passenger Satisfaction Survey. For Southeastern it’s not good. The survey shows that in Autumn 2014 Southeastern had the lowest level of customer satisfaction (74%) … Continue reading