The Annual General Meeting of the Association is to be held on Thursday 19 October at 7.30pm in Christ Church Hall, Littlecourt Road, Sevenoaks TN13 2JG (corner of London Road and Kippington Road).
We have a full and interesting agenda, set out formally below, and we do hope that you will be able to join us – all those interested in transport issues in the Sevenoaks area are very welcome. (If you are not already a member you can join on the spot!)
Chairman: Mr Tony Clayton
1. Chairman’s Introduction
2. Kent Route Study
(1) Presentation by Mr Paul Best, Network Rail
(2) questions and discussion
3. Bat & Ball Station
(1) Presentation by Cllr Roddy Hogarth
(2) questions and discussion
4. Southeastern Update
(1) Presentation by Mr Chris Vinson
(2) questions and discussion
5. Thameslink services and timetable from 2018
(1) presentation by Mr Phil Hutchinson (GTR Thameslink Head of Strategic Planning)
(2) questions and discussion
6. Transport issues for Sevenoaks passengers
Questions from members to a panel of speakers plus Ms Lianna Etkind, Campaign for Better Transport, and bus operators
7. Formal business
(a) Approval of minutes of 2016 Annual General Meeting [1]:
(b) Approval of Annual Report and Accounts
Annual Report 2016-17 [2]
Accounts to 31 December 2016 [3]
(c) Election of Chairman
(d) Election of Officers and Committee
Our plans have changed and we can now attend this meeting. Please remove our names from the apologies list.
Alastair Boobyer & Gill Paterson
@Alastair That’s great to hear. Look forward to seeing you next Thursday