Morewood Arch: did you use it in the past?

Since 2014 we have been supporting a group of local residents who have been lobbying Network Rail for the re-opening of the pedestrian route through “Morewood Arch” from Bosville Drive to Morewood Close. This gave a good walking route to the railway station – and now would also give a walking route to the new(-ish) Lidl store.

Without any local consultation Network Rail decided to fence off the Arch, and later leased the land to a scaffolding firm for storage.

Kent County Council are now considering the residents’ claim of a public right of way on the basis of long-term open usage. To succeed it will need as many people as possible to confirm in writing that they used the Arch as a footpath and the rough period during which they used it. Please email secretary [at] srta [dot] org [dot] uk or comment here (your email address will not appear on the website).

We are not just seeking railway customers. Other past users of the footpath could include:

  • people working for/with the fire brigade while living on the Lakes side of the Arch (expected to be able to reach the station within only a few minutes night or day)
  • customers of the Halfway House
  • employees and users of businesses on the London Road side of the Arch (remember that the Amherst Medical Practice used to be where the private clinic is now.
  • employees and users of the magistrates court and the old police station.

Please help us re-instate this useful local facility!


Morewood Arch: did you use it in the past? — 6 Comments

  1. I live in Bosville Drive and have done for 5 years, and then before that lived in bosville road (from 2009). Myself and my husband regularly used the railway underpass to get to the station, and also on occasion to go to the Halfway House pub, and to the garage shop. Since the closure of the archway we have not been back to the pub, and have a much less convenient route to the station. There was no consultation about the closure and I would love to see the route reopened again.

  2. I use the route regularly to walk to the station, Lidl and the Halfway House. I sorely miss this route.

  3. I have used this archway in the past. We had friends who lived in Bosville Drive and we used to use it when we met up to go to the Halfway House. It would be such a pity to loose this walkway as I am sure that many people found it a very useful route to take.

  4. @Hannah @Amanda @Angela Many thanks for this. I have passed your details to Pieter Kriel who is co-ordinating the campaign.

  5. I have just filled in the Sevenoaks Council, Public Right of Way for access from Morewood to Bosville Drive. I used this route since the early 90’s.

  6. @Jamie Many thanks. I have passed your information on to the campaign coordinator.

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