This “Out of Service” screen shows Southeastern’s lack of customer focus

The ticket vending machine at Bat & Ball has been out of service for the last few days.

The “Out of Service” screen simply says that. Since it’s a programmable screen, it could have been specified to say anything. An organisation concerned with customer service might have asked the programmers to code the screen with:

  • an apology – “We’re sorry that this machine is out of order
  • an explanation – “This is because ...”
  • a confirmation that action is being taken – “It’s been reported and we’re working on it” (surely Southeastern have remote monitoring of their TVMs?!)
  • information about what to do instead – “You can start your journey without a ticket, but please buy a ticket at the first opportunity on the train or at another station“.

Southeastern have done none of this. All machines fail from time to time, and Southeastern should have thought through what the customer needs to know then. Here they’ve shown a lack of customer focus and a lack of priority to customer communication and customer information.


This “Out of Service” screen shows Southeastern’s lack of customer focus — 4 Comments

  1. The ticket machine at Bat & Ball station was working again at 06.10 on Monday 24 April 2017. It is interesting that revenue earning equipment can be repaired relatively quickly but failed station lights, which could have health and safety implications, were not dealt with until over three months after Southeastern were first advised of the problem!

  2. There is still one light on a pole not working. Recently the low life vandalised some of the fluorescent lights in the platform one shelter close to the footbridge. These have not been repaired yet.

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