This month’s total delays: 268 minutes. It was a five-week month, but I travelled on less than 20 weekdays. So 268 minutes is considerably worse than the past few months.
Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2015 to 30 September 2015 inclusive = £49.46 (Thameslink = £22.87, Southeastern = £26.59). One claim outstanding.
Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via Sevenoaks. Each month he gives his personal experiences and views.
Week of 31 August 2015
Total lateness 60 minutes: Southeastern 0, Thameslink 60. I was on leave this week and only travelled on Friday and Saturday.
- Friday 4 September – I walked to Sevenoaks and caught the 05.49 to Cannon Street on route to Euston and the 07.23 to Birmingham New Street. From Birmingham I used my Gold Card to buy a discounted ticket to Kidderminster where I changed trains and took steam hauled train to my ultimate destination of Bridgnorth. No delays to report in either direction. The 05.49 consisted of only one four coach unit and was quite busy but I did not notice anyone standing.
- Saturday 5 September – Today I needed to travel from Bat & Ball to West Malling changing trains at Otford. I intended catching the 11.03 from Bat & Ball which was cancelled. I travelled on the 11.10 to Sevenoaks and then departing Sevenoaks at 11.30, (Bat & Ball 11.33). The first delay repay claim of the day. I noticed that the information screens where showing numerous cancellations between Sevenoaks and Blackfriars in both directions. My return journey commenced at 16.44 from West Malling; on arrival at Otford I discovered that the 17.07 to Bat & Ball was cancelled. Another delay repay claim! Whilst waiting at Otford for the next service to Bat & Ball the information screens were again showing many cancellations in both directions between Blackfriars and Sevenoaks. This was the worst service I have experienced using Thameslink services; it is possible that 50% of their services were cancelled today if the cancellations continued throughout the day at the same frequency. I sincerely hope that the Rail Regulator asks for an explanation as to why the service was so poor today. Unofficially I understand that a member of staff became unable to continue working their shift and there was no replacement available accordingly many trains were cancelled.
Week of 7 September 2015
Total lateness 23 minutes: Southeastern 9, Thameslink 14. I only travelled three times this week.
- Monday 7 September – As is often the case the 07.10 from Bat & Ball was late arriving at Sevenoaks where I found that the 07.23 to Cannon Street had been cancelled. Surprisingly the 07.28 was not too crowded. I managed to get a seat and on departure people were standing but there was the usual few unusable middle of three seats unoccupied. The 17.24 departure from Cannon Street this evening was busy but did not appear to be too overcrowded but a few minutes before departure an announcement was made advising passengers that first class had been declassified except for in coaches four and five.
- Wednesday 9 September –
Today I needed to travel to Chappel & Wakes Colne. I commenced my journey on the 08.00 from Bat & Ball to Sevenoaks which arrived three minutes late but just in time to make a connection with the 08.08 departure to Cannon Street. I was not in a hurry and this train was crowded therefore I waited for the 8.27 departure. This was also crowded with only a few middle of three seats available, most of these were unusable therefore I had to stand. On arrival at Cannon Street I walked to Liverpool Street Station and travelled on the 10.02 departure for Ipswich changing trains at Mark’s Tey for a service to Chappel & Wakes Colne. The return journey was uneventful.
- Friday 11 September – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was six minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks this morning just in time to see a very full 07.23 arrive. I travelled on the 07.28. There were plenty of seats available but on departure from Sevenoaks there were a few people standing and the usual unusable empty middle of three seats. Whilst I waited for the 17.24 to depart there was an announcement over the PA system at Cannon Street advising passengers that first class was declassified except for that in coaches four and five. Soon after an on train announcement advised passengers that there was first class accommodation was available throughout the train!
Week of 14 September 2015
Total lateness 73 minutes: Southeastern 51, Thameslink 22
- Monday 14 September – The empty stock working that precedes the 07.10 from Bat & Ball was very late today which delayed the 07.10 departure. The 07.23 to Cannon Street was very full this morning and was due to call additionally at Orpington to cover for a failed train. More people boarded the 07.28 departure than usual this morning, I managed to get a seat but many were standing when we left Sevenoaks. The 17.24 from Cannon Street was late and only just connected with the 18.00 departure to Bat & Ball.
- Tuesday 15 September – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball only just connected with the 07.23 departure to Cannon Street. I travelled on the 7.28; both trains were very crowded and I had to stand. This morning Southeastern managers were holding a “meet the manager” session at Cannon Street station between 08.00 and 10.00. When I passed them at just after 08.00 there was nobody talking to them. It occurred to me that the timings were wrong; most people are at work by 09.00, a very large number by 08.00. 07.00 to 09.00 would be a more suitable time for this exercise. Again whilst I waited for the 17.24 to depart there was an announcement over the PA system at Cannon Street advising passengers that first class was declassified but today unusually for Cannon Street the announcement was not clear; I could only just make it out.
- Wednesday 16 September – Unusually the 07.10 arrived at Bat & Ball on time but sat at a red signal and ended up arriving at Sevenoaks three minutes late. The 07.23 was very crowded but I managed to get a seat on the 07.28. On departure there were a few people standing and the odd unusable middle of three seats empty. I travelled home on the 17.45 from Cannon Street this evening which was twelve minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks and missed the 18.18 departure to Bat & Ball. There were many delays this evening but no explanation for these was given.
- Thursday 17 September – The 07.23 was crowded and when the 07.28 arrived there were very few seats available. I succeeded in finding a middle of three seat that I could fit in! On departure the train was full and standing. The 17.24 was running late this evening and arrived too late to connect with the 18.00 departure to Bat & Ball. When the 18.18 departure from Sevenoaks arrived at Bat & Ball a further delay was incurred due to an enthusiastic ticket inspection!
- Friday 18 September – Another typical day; the 07.10 from Bat & Ball was late arriving at Sevenoaks. Both the 07.23 & 07.28 were busy I just managed to get a seat on the 07.28. The driver of the 17.24 departure from Cannon Street did not boot up the train and open the doors until 17.19; a mad scramble for seats! A late arrival at Sevenoaks but it just made the connection to Bat & Ball.
Week of 21 September 2015
Total lateness 69 minutes: Southeastern 22, Thameslink 47
- Monday 21 September – A significant date for the diary today; the 07.10 from Bat & Ball arrived at Sevenoaks one minute early! The 07.23 was busy so I caught the 07.28 and got a seat. The 17.24 from Cannon Street departed one minute late and was eight minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks. It would have missed the connection to Bat & Ball but the train was cancelled this evening.
- Tuesday 22 September – Back to normal on the 07.10 from Bat & Ball, four minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks. Both the 07.23 and 07.28 were busy today; no seat for me. All trains I travelled on this morning were a few minutes late; possibly due to the heavy rain. The 17.24 was three minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks this evening but still made a connection with the 18.00 to Bat & Ball.
- Wednesday 23 September – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was four minutes late at Sevenoaks again. Unusually the 07.23 arrived at Sevenoaks with seats available. I made a mistake today, I waited for the 07.28 and had to stand. The return journey was not too bad; one minute late at Sevenoaks and one minute late at Bat & Ball.
- Thursday 24 September – The 07.10 from Bat & Ball was five minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks; the driver blamed poor rail conditions and a delay at St Mary Cray. The 07.23 was full but I got a seat on the 07.28. I returned home at 20.30 no delays or problems.
- Friday 25 September –
I travelled to Canterbury today both Thameslink and Southeastern three minutes late on the outward journey. On my return journey Southeastern were two minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks. Here I discovered that Thameslink had cancelled my train to Bat & Ball; another delay repay claim. Whilst I was waiting for the next service to Bat & Ball a Japanese family arrived at Sevenoaks Station and they asked me for directions to a hotel in Wrotham. The postal address was Sevenoaks so they assumed that Sevenoaks was the correct station to travel to. I tried to explain to them that Wrotham was a long taxi ride from Sevenoaks and suggested that they travelled to Borough Green and Wrotham by train changing at Otford and then take a taxi from Borough Green and Wrotham.
Week of 28 September 2015
Total lateness 43 minutes: Southeastern 20, Thameslink 23.
- Monday 28 September – Radio Kent advised listeners that there were no services running that normally terminate at Sevenoaks due to signal problems in the Sevenoaks area; they were terminating at Orpington instead. I thought about walking to Sevenoaks but decided to go to Bat & Ball as normal working on the basis that they were probably referring to the Southeastern services to Charing Cross and Cannon Street because problems on the Thameslink route are rarely reported on the radio and I thought that these were unlikely to be diverted to Orpington. My guess was right the 07.10 turned up late and arrived at Sevenoaks at 07.21. As compensation for the delay we did have the delight of scenic diversion to platform three, rather than the usual platform four. Most people did not notice and queued in front of the wrong doors! The 07.23 was advised as stopping additionally at Dunton Green and Knockholt to cover for the diverted services. On arrival the platform staff and the driver disagreed as to where the train was due to stop. This argument delayed the very crowded train and also the following 07.28 which I travelled on, 07.31 actual departure. This was also very busy, just the odd unusable middle of three seats available. Standing for me today. We followed the 07.23 to Orpington which resulted in a seven minute late arrival at Cannon Street. Sevenoaks had been advising that the delays and cancellations this morning were due to points problems at Sevenoaks but on arrival at London they were using the same page of the excuse book as Radio Kent attributing the delays to signal problems in the Sevenoaks area! The journey home on a crowded 17.24 saw a long stop at London Bridge for reasons unknown; the train made the connection to Bat & Ball in spite of this.
- Tuesday 29 September – I needed to take my car in for a service today so I travelled to Cannon Street from Dunton Green this morning fortunately the train was a Class 465 Networker rather than a Class 376. I find the Class 376, (five coach trains with very basic seating and a large standing area), very uncomfortable and avoid travelling on them whenever possible. The poor seats on these trains give me a backache.
- Wednesday 30 September – Major excitement at Bat & Ball Station this morning; a second information screen has been installed. This new one on platform one, London bound services, unfortunately both information screens were only displaying details of services bound for Sevenoaks! I reported this to Southeastern and have had no response from them. However the problem has been dealt with and both screens are displaying information for services that will be calling at the platform they are sited on.
- Thursday 1 October – The 07.10 was four minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks this morning. I did not travel on the 07.23 because it was too crowded. The 07.28 was busy but I managed to get a seat. The train took nine minutes to travel from London to Cannon Street this morning; I could have walked between the two stations in this time. The 17.24 departed from platform seven at Cannon Street this evening rather that the usual platform one.
- Friday 2 October – I did not travel today.
- Saturday 3 October –
I travelled to Burton-on-Trent today. Due to engineering work a replacement bus service was in operation; there was no suitable service from Bat & Ball Station that I could use early in the morning. Nothing early enough towards Sevenoaks and if I had taken the bus to Otford there was a twenty-seven minute wait for a train to Victoria! I walked to Sevenoaks to take a service to Charing Cross. My journey from London Euston to Burton-on-Trent was uneventful; outward via Tamworth returning via Birmingham New Street. The new Birmingham New Street Station had only just opened and I found the signage very poor; there were no obvious directions to the platforms that I could see.
Other news
- I have received a response from Thameslink to my delay repay claim in respect of two delays on the 5 September. Apparently they have had to cancel services because they have not had enough drivers to run all the scheduled services. This is blamed on requiring more drivers and that some existing drivers are having to be trained on the new trains that they are introducing rather than driving trains for the published service. Personally I would have thought training is unlikely to take place at the weekend.
- Bat & Ball Station has been repainted recently. The only exception is the footbridge; this might be due to needing a period of time when no trains are running to safely paint it. Alternatively is it due to be replaced with a more modern structure like footbridges at other stations on this line?
In my August diary I mentioned that a steam locomotive passed through Sevenoaks whilst I was waiting for a service to Bat & Ball. I have recently discovered that it was a Battle Of Britain Class Locomotive number 34067 named Tangmere. She was hauling her support coach and a preserved Motor Luggage Van, (MLV), heading for Ramsgate. Older readers may remember the MLV’s, there purpose was to provide additional space for passengers luggage on boat trains.