Another poor month – 251 minutes of delay in just 18 days travelling. Delay Repay Claims; total 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 inclusive = £59.95 with two outstanding
Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via Sevenoaks.
Now that the new Thameslink franchise is responsible for the train services on the Bat & Ball line I have decided to report separate delay statistics for Southeastern and Thameslink.
Week of 1 December 2014
Total lateness 65 minutes: Southeastern 49, Thameslink 16.
- Tuesday 2 December was the worst this week 25 minutes in the afternoon on Southeastern services. The 21.19 from London Bridge was only four coaches, the usual eight coach train was split in to two four coach trains to replace a failed train. Consequently the 21.19 was very crowded. It was dry tonight so why do London Bridge make an announcement over the P.A. system urging passengers to take care in these wet conditions!
- Wednesday 3 December – On the 17.24 from Cannon Street the Conductor carried out a ticket check. Unfortunately he was “out of gauge” for 375/9 high density stock, with 2 + 3 seating. As he progressed along the train he was bruising the arms and shoulders of passengers sitting in the aisle seats!
- Thursday 4 December – The 18.00 departure from Sevenoaks to Bat & Ball arrived very late at Sevenoaks on its inward journey; people boarded the train but were eventually told that the 18.18 would depart first from platform 3. Presumably the driver insisted on taking the break that he was entitled to at Sevenoaks. The 18.18 departure was delayed whilst a member of platform staff pursued a passenger along the train continuing their argument. Eventually another member of staff told the one arguing with a passenger to get off the train because it must be dispatched; 2 minutes unnecessary delay to the train! The 18.00 departure from Sevenoaks was shown as expected at 18.24 at Bat & Ball when I arrived there.
- Friday 5 December – At 17.10 the information screen on platform 4 at Sevenoaks was advising passengers that the 15.43 was delayed!
Week of 8 December 2014
Total lateness 77 minutes: Southeastern 56, Thameslink 21.
- Thursday 11 December was the worst this week 30 minutes in the afternoon on Southeastern services
- Friday 12 December – The 12.19 from London Bridge was formed of two 375/3 units, (three coaches in each unit). However the on-board announcements on the train were advising that the front three coaches were for “Ramsgate” and the rear four were for “Canterbury West “!
Week of 15 December 2014
Total lateness 83 minutes: Southeastern 65, Thameslink 18.
- Monday 15 December – the worst day this week with 30 minutes delay in the afternoon on Southeastern services
- Monday 15 December – On arrival at London Bridge this morning there was an announcement being made advising that passengers on platforms 5 & 6 should cross via the footbridge and exit the station by the ramp off platforms 3 & 4. Everyone appeared to ignore this instruction.
- Tuesday 16 December – 07.23 from Sevenoaks to Charing Cross – no first class in the rear four coaches, shame!
- Tuesday 16 December – At 15.28 Southeastern’s website was advising that the 22.30 Sevenoaks to Blackfriars was cancelled due to staff being unavailable. Surely with seven hours before this train was due to depart staff could be redeployed to ensure that the last train on this route ran.
- Tuesday 16 December – 17.24 from Cannon Street, whilst waiting for departure the Driver asked the Conductor to contact him. A couple of minutes later the Conductor almost at running speed made his way through the train and must have dealt with some problem that was delaying departure. As he returned at walking pace the train departed 2 minutes late. After a very slow journey through South London it was surprising that the train was only 3 minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks.
- Wednesday 17 December – 17.24 from Cannon Street, whilst waiting for departure the on-board information screens were displaying the next station is Wye. It would seem that the train thought it was at Ashford!
- Friday 19 December- 17.24 from Cannon Street, whilst waiting for departure again the on-board information screens were displaying the next station is Wye. The middle four car unit was low density stock this evening and the train was overcrowded.
Week of 22 December 2014
Total lateness 26 minutes: Southeastern 12, Thameslink 14
- Monday 22 – 18.00 from Sevenoaks to Bat & Ball was only four coaches instead of the usual eight.
- Tuesday 23 – 07.23 from Sevenoaks had no first class accommodation anywhere on this eight coach train; what a shame! 17.24 from Cannon Street, after another very slow journey through South London the train was only 2 minutes late arriving at Sevenoaks.
- Wednesday 24 – 07.23 from Sevenoaks to London Bridge was cancelled; travelled on 07.27 to Cannon Street.
Week of 29 December 2014
I did not travel by train this week
Other comments
Southeastern have issued a new Delay Repay claim form that permits four claims to be made on one form. Is this because they are anticipating more claims once the new timetables are introduced in January?!