After years of asking for some public seating on the Sevenoaks station concourse, some seats were installed at the end of June – and last weekend most of them were removed again!
We regularly receive comments and complaints from members and other travellers about the lack of seating on the Sevenoaks station concourse. While there is some seating on the platforms, it is more draughty and exposed to the elements. In addition people waiting to meet friends or relatives arriving by train cannot use the platforms anyway. It’s a big problem for people with mobility difficulties.
The seating of the Pumpkin cafe is apparently reserved for their customers; the seating for the new Costa Coffee may have been allowed on condition that it be available for public use, but this is not clear – and we are still waiting for Southeastern to respond to our enquiry about the contractual provision. In any case, both sets of cafe seating is cleared away at night.
So we were delighted when over the weekend of 28-29 June a long row of permanent public seats were installed along the length of the window.
No doubt they were admired by Charles Horton, the Managing Director of Southeastern, when he visited Sevenoaks Station unannounced on 1 July.
However at least half the seating was removed over the weekend of 12-13 July!
We’ll be asking Southeastern why – we hope that it was not just installed temporarily to impress the boss on his visit!