Saturday 6 October was “Southeastern Super Saturday” – an offer to travel anywhere on Southeastern as much as you want for £20.00.
I decided to take full advantage!
Continue readingSaturday 6 October was “Southeastern Super Saturday” – an offer to travel anywhere on Southeastern as much as you want for £20.00.
I decided to take full advantage!
Continue readingSince I retired and no longer possess an annual season ticket to London, when planning my days out to obtain the cheapest fare I usually need to buy Advance Purchase Single tickets from Bat & Ball to my destination rather … Continue reading
Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard! Delay Repay Claims; total 1 January 2018 to 31 August 2018 inclusive = £65.00 (Southeastern £33.00, Thameslink … Continue reading
The Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association has responded to the consultation on the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.
“The lack of any reference in Chapter 4 – ‘Well Connected Communities” of the Local Plan to the constraints and challenges of adequate rail services is alarming. It suggests a lack of ambition for what needs to be achieved. There is no mechanism identified through which rail capacity increases of the size required can be delivered, or who needs to act to achieve and finance them. It will need central government funding, and should, in our view, involve Transport for London in developing shorter distance services
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Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard! Delay Repay Claims; total 1 January 2018 to 31 July 2018 inclusive = £60.80 (Southeastern £30.20, Thameslink … Continue reading
Platform announcements concerning doors closing before the train departs have changed recently. Forty-five seconds, rather than thirty, is now the time that doors will be closed before the train departs. Is this a device to pad real journey times in … Continue reading