Rail passengers often find that a bit of humour helps. The Tweet The Manager had some of that too. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway #ttmse Who's the fella with the ponytail? — Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) February 9, 2015 @ACAWheaton That "fella" is actually … Continue reading
Category Archives: Ephemeral
Somewhat surprisingly there was not much discussion of Passenger Focus’ recent Passenger Satisfaction Survey. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway #ttmse Why aren't customer survey forms handed out during peak hours or to customers most affected by weekend works? @over_ldn — Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) … Continue reading
Naturally there were some discussion about the Tweet The Manager itself, and some suggestions for improvement. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway @SevenoaksRailTA @Se_Raleway @over_ldn And the first #TTMSE transcript? — Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) February 9, 2015 @ACAWheaton What we can provide, quickly, is … Continue reading
The London Bridge rebuilding has added more weekend disruption for engineering work. There were a number of discussions about this. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway if it's not too late, are u able to tell us which holiday periods/weekends when Ldn B CHX … Continue reading
There was more than expected discussion of fares, including questions about tickets more suitable for part-time commuters and for students. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway why does it cost 32.90 per week from welling and 59.20 from dartford 5 miles further and is … Continue reading
There was a lot of discussion about how feedback about the London Bridge rebuilding and the associated timetable and other arrangements was being collected and collated, and what would happen next. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway hiya, 4 questions for u this afternoon … Continue reading