A total of 105 minutes lateness – Southeastern 20, Thameslink 85 – a better month for Southeastern, but worse for Thameslink. Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2017 to 30 June 17 inclusive = £62.30 Keith is a SRTA member … Continue reading
Category Archives: Thameslink
A total of 311 minutes, Southeastern 101, Thameslink 210 – a bad month. Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017 inclusive = £44.30 Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball … Continue reading
On Tuesday 14 February 2017 I travelled on the 17.00 Thameslink service from Sevenoaks to Bedford as far as Bat & Ball. After the train departed Sevenoaks three Southeastern staff made their way through the train checking tickets.
SRTA Supporter Babette Wood writes from Otford: The City Thameslink Service from Otford has been completely unreliable in November. To add insult to injury Southeastern are issuing penalty fares to people who are left in the predicament of either jumping … Continue reading
Transport for London are trialling a “Please offer me a seat” badge, similar to their “Baby on Board” system. The idea is to encourage other passengers to give up their seat to those less able to stand.
Southeastern and Thameslink have existing systems of Priority Seating Cards open to anyone who is elderly (“over 65”), pregnant, travelling with children under three, or has a disability.
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