Southeastern have today announced an “amended” (ie reduced) timetable for the Easter period – Good Friday 3 April 2015 to Easter Monday 6 April 2015 inclusive. On all four days there will be just 2 fast trains an hour from Sevenoaks (compared to at … Continue reading
Category Archives: London Bridge
Many thanks to all of you who have given us feedback on the London Bridge rebuilding timetable so far, on Twitter, by email, or through this website. Special thanks to those who have given us day by day reports. The … Continue reading
On Monday 9 February Southeastern ran their second “Tweet The Manager” event. We took part, and we have been looking at the results as a whole. … Continue reading
On Monday 9 February Southeastern held their second “Tweet The Manager” online event from 1400 to 1600. There were over 400 messages, including 139 from Southeastern itself. We have organised the Tweets into conversations, and grouped them by topics on … Continue reading
Somewhat surprisingly there was not much discussion of Passenger Focus’ recent Passenger Satisfaction Survey. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway #ttmse Why aren't customer survey forms handed out during peak hours or to customers most affected by weekend works? @over_ldn — Andrew Wheaton (@ACAWheaton) … Continue reading
The London Bridge rebuilding has added more weekend disruption for engineering work. There were a number of discussions about this. ==================================================================================== @Se_Railway if it's not too late, are u able to tell us which holiday periods/weekends when Ldn B CHX … Continue reading