We asked for comments on the proposed timetable changes for the first phase of the rebuilding of the Southeastern side of London Bridge. Thanks to all who contributed. We have now submitted our initial comments to Southeastern: there are serious … Continue reading
Category Archives: London Bridge
Trains to and from Charing Cross will not be able to stop at London Bridge during the first phase of the rebuilding of the Southeastern side of London Bridge – from January 2015 to August 2016. Southeastern are consulting on changes … Continue reading
SouthEastern will be holding one of their periodic “Meet the Managers” events on the Cannon Street concourse from 0800 to 1000 on Thursday 7 November. If you travel through Cannon Street, please take a few moments to tell those responsible for … Continue reading
Richard Freeston-Clough of London TravelWatch writes:- I wanted to let you know about London TravelWatch’s plans to hold a transport engagement event in Bexleyheath on 30 October as part of our stakeholder engagement programme. … Continue reading
At the Annual General meeting of the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association Tony Clayton (Chairman) and Roger Johnson (Vice Chairman) gave a presentation about the future railway services from 2018. These are the slides that they used:- Our Future Railway from … Continue reading
Southeastern Railways have asked the Sevenoaks Rail Travellers Association and their other stakeholders what improvements we would like to see in the “Direct Award” franchise period (November 2014 to June 2018). The Committee will be discussing this on 10 September, … Continue reading