On Wednesday there was a power failure at Sevenoaks station from around 08.50 until well into the evening. Once darkness fell, the whole of Sevenoaks Station was in total darkness. Why was there no emergency lighting?
Category Archives: Stations
I am sure that many people will agree that access between Waterloo East Station and street level is far from ideal. Perhaps it could be improved?
A total of 170 minutes delay: Southeastern 66, Thameslink 104 Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2016 to 31 October 2016 inclusive = £105.00 Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via … Continue reading
The first week of the new arrangements in Car Park 4 coincided with half-term so it was probably not the most severe test of the new system. Nevertheless the lower section, for non-season ticket holders, was reported full by 073o on some mornings. Starting tomorrow Monday 31 October there are some changes to the system.
Note: the latest information on Sevenoaks Car Park 4 is in a subsequent post here We have already written about the car parking difficulties at Sevenoaks station, and this was a big issue raised at our Annual General Meeting on … Continue reading
For the past few weeks we have been getting reports about the main Southeastern Car Park at Sevenoaks Station (historically known as “Car Park 4”, north of the bridge and west of the railway line) being unusually full – sometimes with people unable to find spaces at 0830.
From next Monday Southeastern intend to reserve Car Park 4 entirely for season ticket holders up to 0830 Monday to Friday. That’s good for those with season tickets, but will make it virtually impossible for many on-the-day payers, such as part time commuters, to find anywhere to park.
We’ve suggested a more balanced approach, but we are also calling for innovative alternative ideas on how to balance the conflicting interests of customers.
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