If you want to travel from St Pancras International to Bat & Ball, one option that National Rail Enquiries suggests is that you change trains at London Blackfriars. However, the following are typically suggested itineraries: – St Pancras International dep19352005Blackfriars … Continue reading
Category Archives: Trains

Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard!
Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2019 to 30 September 2019 inclusive = £53.20
(Southeastern £25.10, Southern £2.00, South Western Railway £6.62, Thameslink £9.10, Virgin £10.38).
Three claims outstanding.
This month’s delays: total 81 minutes, Southeastern 74, Thameslink 7
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Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard!
Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2019 to 31 August 2019 inclusive = £53.20
(Southeastern £25.10, Southern £2.00, South Western Railway £6.62, Thameslink £9.10, Virgin £10.38).
This month’s delays: total 120 minutes, Southeastern 74, Thameslink 46.
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The SRTA has been reviewing Southeastern’s proposals for changes to the December 2019 timetable.
We welcome the agreement to assist with connections at Swanley for Darenth Valley line users. That’s how a joined-up railway should work.
However, SRTA has a significant concern with one of the proposed timetable changes. This concerns the change to the stopping services, 1726 from Charing Cross and 1739 from Cannon Street. It appears to us that the proposal totally ignores the interests of the large number of passengers who travel from Cannon Street to Chelsfield and beyond.
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Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard!
Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2019 to 31 July 2019 inclusive = £47.60
(Southeastern £23.70, Southern £2.00, South Western Railway £6.62, Thameslink £4.90, Virgin £10.38). One claim outstanding.
This month’s delays: total 89 minutes, Southeastern 52, Thameslink 37
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Our Bat & Ball correspondent, Keith Alderman, has now retired. However, when Thameslink allow him, he’s making good use of his Senior Railcard!
Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 inclusive = £27.80
(Southeastern £23.70, Southern £2.00 Thameslink £2.10). Two claims outstanding.
This month’s delays: total 40 minutes, Southeastern 35, Thameslink 5.
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