SRTA tells local Councils: “London Bridge risks fall disproportionately on Sevenoaks commuters”

kcc-hq-geograph-3165841We’ve been invited to present a paper about the effect of London Bridge Rebuilding on Sevenoaks to the Kent County Council/Sevenoaks District Council Joint Transportation Board on Tuesday 9 December. Our paper asks the Councils to:

  • recognise the risks to commuters and other users of the main rail artery through West Kent during the London Bridge rebuilding, and that these are likely to fall disproportionately on Sevenoaks
  • express concern at the lack of effective action in advance by the rail companies, and TfL, to manage risks to passenger journeys
  • urge rail operators to enhance customer information at stations, on trains and before leaving home
  • press the Department for Transport and the rail companies to address these issues urgently, especially the problems with passenger information.
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