Yet another poor month on Southeastern – 177 minutes of delay on only 14 days’ travel. Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2014 inclusive = £59.95. Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from … Continue reading
Category Archives: Keith’s Diary
It’s been another bad month on Southeastern – 206 minutes of delay (ignoring lightning strikes!). My Delay-Repay Claims now stand at a total of £59.95 for 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2014 inclusive, with one claim still outstanding.
Keith is one of our members and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via Sevenoaks. He keeps a detailed travel diary, and he is also our Bat & Ball correspondent reporting issues at that important but unmanned station.
Continue readingDelay repay claims total, 1 January to 31 August inclusive, is £45.70. First a question: what is probably the most photographed object on railway premises in the Sevenoaks area? Answer at the end of this report. … Continue reading
Delay repay claims total, 1 January to 31 July inclusive, is £37.85 (two claims still outstanding). In July I took two weeks leave from work but my journeys incurred 185 minutes of delay; these were as follows: – … Continue reading
Delay repay claims total, 1 January to 30 June inclusive, is £34.20 My journeys in June incurred 204 minutes of delay. The details were as follows: – … Continue reading
Station and on train announcements/staff comments overheard can be a good source of amusement for regular rail travellers. My favourites are as follows: – “We apologise to passengers arriving at Fenchurch Street this morning for the delays to services. This … Continue reading