Yet another poor month on Southeastern – 177 minutes of delay on only 14 days’ travel. Delay Repay Claims: total 1 January 2014 to 31 October 2014 inclusive = £59.95. Keith is a SRTA member and a regular commuter from … Continue reading
Category Archives: Bat & Ball
It’s been another bad month on Southeastern – 206 minutes of delay (ignoring lightning strikes!). My Delay-Repay Claims now stand at a total of £59.95 for 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2014 inclusive, with one claim still outstanding.
Keith is one of our members and a regular commuter from Bat & Ball to London via Sevenoaks. He keeps a detailed travel diary, and he is also our Bat & Ball correspondent reporting issues at that important but unmanned station.
Continue readingSRTA members Tony Clayton, Gerry Dolby-Gray, Keith Alderman and Tamanna Miah were interviewed at Sevenoaks station and on the 0803 to London. Our Borough Green correspondent Karen Harding was also interviewed. This was part of BBC Radio Kent’s day-long feature … Continue reading
Sevenoaks Rail Travellers’ Association (SRTA) represents the interest of all those who use Sevenoaks, Dunton Green, Bat & Ball, Otford, Kemsing, Shoreham and Eynsford stations. According to the latest available annual statistics, more than 4.8 million train journeys began or … Continue reading
We are getting a bit concerned about the state of the footbridge at Bat & Ball station. … Continue reading
Delay repay claims total, 1 January to 31 August inclusive, is £45.70. First a question: what is probably the most photographed object on railway premises in the Sevenoaks area? Answer at the end of this report. … Continue reading