We are getting a bit concerned about the state of the footbridge at Bat & Ball station. … Continue reading
Keith Alderman
Delay repay claims total, 1 January to 31 August inclusive, is £45.70. First a question: what is probably the most photographed object on railway premises in the Sevenoaks area? Answer at the end of this report. … Continue reading
It does not seem possible to claim for aggregate delays on a journey using both TFL and Southeastern. On Thursday 14 August 2014 my return journey from Kensington Olympia to Bat & Ball via London Victoria and Bromley South was … Continue reading
Recently some “perch seats” have appeared on the footbridge at Sevenoaks Station. Unfortunately these are located in positions where people rushing for their train could easily run in to them. This is made even more likely to happen because these … Continue reading
Delay repay claims total, 1 January to 31 July inclusive, is £37.85 (two claims still outstanding). In July I took two weeks leave from work but my journeys incurred 185 minutes of delay; these were as follows: – … Continue reading
A new term in passengers’ life is “Card Clash”. An announcement first heard at Bromley South Station: “avoid keeping Oyster Cards and contact-less payment cards in contact with each other to avoid card clash”. … Continue reading