The SRTA has submitted a response to the KCC consultation on an integrated transport strategy for Kent “Growth without Gridlock”. Our recommendations are – Sevenoaks needs to provide an integrated transport service for its residents which will enhance environmental quality … Continue reading
Prices of Southeastern’s regulated fares increased very sharply in January 2010, some by up to 12.8%, an extraordinary 8 percentage points (pp) more than the 12-month change in the All-items Retail Price Index to July 2009 which is used as … Continue reading
Since December 2009, a high speed domestic service operating on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) between London St Pancras, Ashford and the Kent coast, has been operating. Southeastern claim that a commute from Ashford International to London takes just … Continue reading
Kent Route Utilisation Strategy (‘RUS’) Network Rail’s work on the Kent RUS commenced in January 2008 and a scoping document was published February 2008. Network Rail published their consultation paper in April. (But take care it’s 190 pages!) The RUS consultation … Continue reading
At the beginning of year, SER abruptly withdrew 2 coaches from 6 heavily loaded peak trains: 07.18, 07.44, 8.04 and 8.29 from Sevenoaks and the 17.41 and 18.28 from Charing Cross. Given the continuing very heavy demand for theses peak … Continue reading
SRTA has long been active in making recommendations to improve commuter and other train services from Sevenoaks. For example, we submitted a paper to the successor to South East Trains, GoVia putting forward detailed proposals for tackling overcrowding. That paper … Continue reading