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Network Rail has interactive maps of SRTA area stations available on its web site.  These show a station's facilities and by moving the mouse cursor over them, pictures are brought up.

Currently, maps of all SRTA area stations bar Kemsing are available and can be accessed via the links below.

Sevenoaks        http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/SEV/plan.html

Bat and Ball      http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/BBL/plan.html

Otford                http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/OTF/plan.html

Dunton Green    http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/DNG/plan.html

Eynsford           http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/EYN/plan.html

Shoreham         http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/stations/sjp/SEH/plan.html

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Page last updated: 20 June 2011 09:29

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Sevenoaks Rail Travellers' Association 

Station Maps