Passenger numbers using Sevenoaks have risen around 20% since 1997-98 and commuters are travelling earlier and returning later. It is important that the train operator responds to these changes by matching supply with changing demand.
SRTA's Trains Group keeps a close watch on service performance, timetabling and overcrowding issues and is in frequent contact with Southeastern Trains.
Over the years, a number of SRTA proposals to optimise the use of available train capacity (that is both 'paths' and rolling stock) have either been adopted by the train operators or have encouraged them to come up with alternatives. These efforts have helped to alleviate overcrowding somewhat. But further changes are needed.
Our longer term objectives include -
Making the Kent mainline services a 12 carriage railway. This should be facilitated by investment at Tunbridge Wells which will enable 12 carriage trains to be turned round there.
Improving the service from Dunton Green so that housing development at the Cold Store site - which is within walking distance of the station does not lead to more road congestion and parking problems around Sevenoaks station.
A lengthening of the platforms on the Maidstone East line (which can currently accommodate only 6 carriage trains). Fewer commuters living near those stations would be forced to travel by car to Sevenoaks, aggravating traffic and parking problems here.
Removing the constraints on the use of the high seating density Networker 465/9 trains. The inadequate power supply means that they can only be run as 10 carriage trains. They also lack Selective Door Opening (SDO) which limits their use at stations with short platforms.
Utilising the full potential of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Domestic Services (CTRL-DS) to divert passengers using Ashford from mainline trains stopping at Sevenoaks, so freeing up seating capacity. Our concern is that the fares likely to be charged for CTRL-DS services will be a deterrent.
Extending the Docklands Light Railway to Hither Green, with connections to mainline services. This will reduce journey times to Docklands and also alleviate current pressure on London Bridge.
Page last updated: 11 August 2012 07:55