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Sevenoaks Rail Travellers' Association (SRTA) aims to represent the interests of commuters using Sevenoaks and stations nearby -  Bat and Ball, Dunton Green, Eynsford, Kemsing, Otford, and Shoreham.

In the year to March 2011, over 4.7 million train journeys began or ended at our stations. Despite the recession, numbers travelling are up over 13% since the year ending March 2005.  Sevenoaks is the fifth busiest station on Southeastern Train's network (London termini excepted).  Over-crowding and parking problems are becoming more acute, while fares and parking charges have been rising well ahead of inflation.

We lobby railways management, regulators and planners. These efforts have secured longer and more frequent trains, as well as better facilities at local stations. But it can be an uphill battle and there is much to do NOW.

For more on the work of the SRTA and its work for local commuters, follow the link here.

And to contact us by email click on enquiries@srta.org.uk

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Page last updated: 02 November 2012 12:28

Click enquiries@srta.org.uk to contact the SRTA Committee


Sevenoaks Rail Travellers' Association 



For information on local transport services follow the links below.


Sevenoaks Station Departures Board

News on engineering works

Southeastern Trains home page

Southeastern routes map

Interactive Map of London Underground

Buses from Sevenoaks Station, etc:

Routes map

Arriva bus timetables

go-coach routes & timetables


BBC Radio Kent Travel News

Trains in Europe - The Man in Seat Sixty One

 Latest additions

Documents from our recent  AGM


Chairman's Report




Southeastern briefing note


Network Rail presentation on London Bridge re-development